Female Hair Transplantation

Although androgenic alopecia targets both men and women, and although hair transplants are currently the single permanent solution for the condition, hair transplants happen to be more popular among men than women. The discrepancy in the popularity of the procedure among the sexes is due to the differences in regards of the characteristics of the androgenic alopecia in men and in women where only a marginal number of women are eligible for the microsurgery of FUE hair transplants.

Below, we’ll discuss the secret behind the low statists of women opting for hair transplants as well as the conditions that make women suitable candidates for the procedure.

Female Androgenic Alopecia and Hair Transplants

Hair transplants are procedures that extract anti-hair loss follicular units and implants them in areas of thinning hair. The relocation process does not affect the properties of the follicular units where they continue to generate growth in balding scalp. That being said, it’s necessary that patients have a stable source of donor’s hair.

Male androgenic alopecia, or male pattern hair loss, is linked to a distinct pattern of a receding hairline, thinning crown, and stable hair growth at the back of the scalp. Hair further down the hairline and grow is more likely to withstand androgenic alopecia. The stable hairs are follicular units that act as potential donors to cover the deserted scalp.

In women, female pattern hair loss is not characterized by a distinct pattern. On the contrary, hair loss is more sporadic. In which case, locating stable follicular units can be quite a challenge. With the success of the surgery founded o uncertainty, many choose to save their money instead. However, women who suffer male pattern hair loss are eligible candidates for the procedure.

Female Candidates for Hair Transplant

Thus far we conclude that female pattern hair loss is one of the conditions that cannot be reversed by hair transplant for its lack of the predictability element. In other words, alopecia cases that have stable donor regions can be successfully reversed with hair transplants. Traction alopecia and traumatic alopecia are equally treatable by hair transplants. Both traumatic and traction alopecia are the result of physical pressure from styling or trauma and are usually limited to a particular area on the scalp. The unaffected hair can then act as donor regions that cover target areas.

Alopecia Universalis, alopecia areata, and alopecia totalis, on the other hand, cannot be reversed with hair transplants. The latter category either have depleted donor regions or sporadic hair loss, in which case the surgery cannot be successful.

In Summary

Check the results of hair transplant patients, you can filter some sample results for female hair transplantation on the guide. To be a suitable candidate for hair transplants, one must meet the two primary requirements for hair loss. The first being a stable predictable pattern of hair loss. The second being a sufficient supply of said donor region that can cover the balding scalp without translocating the bald spots.

To have your scalp and personal condition of your hair loss evaluated by a medical specialist at the bargain price of free, contact Vera Clinic.