How to Write an Essay – Useful Guideline for Beginners

According to Shakespeare “The pen is mightier than the sword” the pen itself not a tool to make effective writing. Only with inspiration, we cannot write a good piece of writing. If we want to produce a piece of writing, aiming to give a motivational and inspiring touch to the mind of a reader, we must have a deep philosophic approach on the topic. The essay is a piece of short non-fiction formal piece of writing, dealing with a single topic. Write my term paper team aims to persuade the reader to apply the selected research evidence.

How to Write an Essay – Useful GUIDELINE for Beginners

The basic school or college has the following five standardized paragraph structure.

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Body 1

Paragraph 3: Body 2

Paragraph 4: Body 3

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

The purpose to divide an essay into different paragraphs is to make it easier for the reader to go through the ideas easily. As the more formulated style id adopted, more results are yielded by the writer.

The Introduction

The fundamental purpose of the introduction is to open a venue of debate. The subject of the thesis is elaborated. The essay should begin with some attractive words, to grab the attention of the reader. Help with college essays topic should be clear, to make the reader understand easily. The outline is part of the introduction. The outline shows, how deep the writer has approach on the subject, also how he can express it with a formulated style.  Presentation of ideas in an array, concatenated with each other declares how the writer is clear on the subject. The introduction should be comprising three or four lines in length, longer more can confuse a reader, grabbing no attention of the reader.

The Body Paragraphs

The first sentence that is called topic sentence needs to so attractive, to catch the attention of a reader effectively. Not should it begin with the signals changing from one idea to another, but must be tied with a common thread to tie all of the paragraphs together. The selection of words should be done with accuracy. For example, if you write “first” in the first paragraph, then you should write “secondly” in the second paragraph. Examples should be exactly as the demands of the situation. Irrelevant examples create confusion in the mind of a reader. As the message is more clear, the result is more fruitful.


This is the most difficult paragraph. Here you have to sum up your debate in an effective way, to make the reader stand with your thesis. Here is the last plat form to convince the reader. This is not the place to open new ideas. Here you have to wind up your discussion. It is up to you, how you play with words and keep them on proper place to yield the requisite result.