Top 5 Yoga Mudras For Your Healthy Heart

Your heart is the most important organ that pumps blood throughout your body, thus keeping your heart healthy is essential for long and healthy life. There is need to consume a healthy diet to keep your heart healthy and stick with a proper exercise routine. When it comes to fitness, yoga is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy. It is the natural assistance to nourishing your body and soul equally. In this article, we are decided to talk about some effective yoga mudras to keep your heart healthy.

Top 5 Yoga Mudras For Your Healthy Heart - Detailed Guide

Top 5 Yoga Mudras To Keep Your Heart Healthy

Along with cardio workouts, practice these mudras to keep your heart healthy:

Apana Vayu Mudra

Practicing this yoga mudra eases along with strengthening your heart and regularizing palpitations.

What You Have to Do

  • You have to sit in Padmasana [Lotus Pose]
  • Then, you have to stretch your both hands outward and let them rest on the thighs
  • Once done, then let the palms face the ceiling
  • Then, there is a need to fold your middle and ring fingers towards the palm, make sure that they touch the tip of the thumb
  • After that, you have to fold the index finger inward and allow it to touch the base of the thumb
  • And, make sure that small finger should be stretched outward
  • Keep your eyes closed and you ought to hold the mudra as long as you want to do

Linga Mudra

No doubt, obesity and diabetes are a serious health condition that can injurious for your heart. Practicing this yoga helps to keep diabetes and weight under control. Additionally, if you are on weight loss program, then stick with this mudra to reach your healthy weight loss goals. You can visit to track your weight loss goal using tested and well-planned weight loss calculator.

What You Have to Do

  • There is a need to sit in Padmasana [Lotus Pose]
  • Then, you have to stretch your both hand in front of your body
  • Then, you have to clasp the hands and intertwine the fingers
  • Then, keep in mind that your thumb of the left-hand points toward the ceiling
  • Once done, then use your thumb and index finger of your right hand and encircle the left thumb
  • Then, you ought to inhale and exhale normally
  • You have to practice the same mudra maximum for 20 minutes

Prana Mudra

Practicing Prana mudra on a daily basis helps to improve fitness and immunity levels.

What You Have to Do

  • Let, start with sitting in Padmasana [Lotus Pose]
  • Then, there is a need to stretch your both hands outward and let them a place on the thighs
  • After that, let the palms face the ceiling
  • Once done, then you have to bend your little finger and ring finger towards the palm, and let their tips to come into contact with the tip of your thumb
  • Once done, then keep your middle finger and index finger stretched outward
  • Keep your eyes closed, and stick with the same mudra as long as you want to do

Ganesha Mudra

Practicing Ganesha Mudra helps to open up the heart chakra and strengthens your heart, additionally improves the circulation of blood.

What You Have to Do

  • First of all, you have to sit in Lotus Pose
  • Once you set, then stretch your hand outward and place them on the thighs
  • Then, you have to lift both your arms and keep them close to the heart
  • Then, let the left-hand face outward, and make sure the palm of the right hand should face the left palm
  • Then, there is need to clasp the fingers of the left hand with right-hand fingers
  • Once done, then start stretching the palms in opposite ways and take a deep exhalation
  • Then, you have to take a slow, deep inhalation and release the stretch
  • You have to do this maximum for 6 times
  • After that, you have to change the position of both hands β€˜let the right-hand face outward, and the palm of the left hand should face the right palm
  • You have to repeat the same mudra at least 6 times

Well, try the above yoga mudras and share your experience with us – Good Luck!